Over the flu and back to work

Hello everyone.  I hope you are all doing well today.  I have been under the weather for a few weeks, but am getting back to normal slowly.  I have been slowly going through my computer to see what files I have that I had downloaded over time and then just didn’t quite get around to checking them out… have you checked whats actually on YOUR computer lately.

Instead of the next shiny new object, perhaps you should check out what you have waiting there for you.  I am finding all kinds of helpful goodies I will be using over the next several months.

As some of you may know, I am not the most technical person in the world.  I wanted to work on building a new website for an idea I am working on, but couldn’t remember all the steps I took to build this one. (I had a great mentor at the time, but he is no longer available to me) . After looking around and doing some research I decided to join Wealthy Affiliate.  I have heard good things about it.  I joined for free with just a Starter account and have already set up the bones for a new site.  So far, I am impressed with the step by step instructions (video and text) and plan on upgrading in the next couple of days to the Premium level.  I will write a full review after I have got further into the system.

I hope you are having a productive year so far!

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Day 2 – Cleaning up the Messes and Making Room for the New

Today I spent the day putting away my Christmas decorations and starting to get more organized for the year ahead.  One thing I learned from reading The Success Principles by Jack Canfield is how important it is to clear away your messes or incomplete items so they don’t clutter up your mind and take up energy.  So at least twice a year, I go through my house and office and make a list of things that need to be done or completed.

Its funny how empty everything looks after I put away my holiday goodies.  It also shows me the little things that need to be done, like touch up trim work or clear out the junk drawer (again..lol) .  So thats what I am working on for the next week.  Somehow when I write down the things that need to be done, I find a way to get them completed.  I feel better when I get something done.

Well lets get back to it…til the next time!

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New Year, Fresh Start and Big Goals

images happy new yearI want to wish you all a Happy 2017.  I hope you attain all the things you strive for…the joy, health, happiness, and prosperity.

The New Year traditionally marks a time to review the past year, the failures as well as the success so we may change and improve those things to make achieving our goals easier.  Some things are out of our control, but others are simply a matter of doing the things we need to do that others won’t.  The last few days I have been thinking really hard about the things that are important to me, and what I want over the next 3, 6, 9 months and the year.

My plan for 2017 is to do at least 5 things daily that will take me a step closer to my goals. In addition, I am watching less television and spending at least an hour a day reading to increase my knowledge.  I also am committing to writing here in my blog at least 4 times a week.  Some posts may be short, others longer, but I hope that they will motivate or inspire some of you along the way.  The last thing I have committed to doing is to get moving.  Its really easy in this world of the internet or building a business to feel tied to your computer.  But I have found that when I get moving even for only 10 or 15 minutes it improves my productivity as well as my creativity.

This week I will share with you what my BIG, AUDACIOUS GOAL is. It may seem a stretch but you have to go outside your comfort zone and also tell people about it to help keep you accountable.  I hope my readers will help keep me accountable as well.

What about you?  What things are you going for this year?  Do you have a huge goal you want to shoot for?  Dream big, then build the foundation.  As you do, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.

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Can you help?

Well 2016 is coming to an end. Its been a year of ups and downs, smiles and tears.  I am finally getting down to the business of re-creating my blog and that’s where you come in.  Before I get too far into it, I wanted to ask you, my valued readers what you would like to see in my posts.  Do you have any questions or topics you would like to see me address this year related to earning income, managing your finances goal setting, etc.  Do you enjoy seeing my posts related to my travel adventures?

I hope to get lots of responses to make a new, exciting site that you will want to return to over and over. Leave a message below or email me at cubiclebusters@gmail.com.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year!


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Time for Review, Changes, Action and Decisions

As we entimages start uper the last 3 months of 2016, its time to pull out our goals and review our progress or lack thereof.  Which goals are still important? Are any of them achieved or no longer relevant?  What have you been doing to move closer to your goals?  What results are these actions having?  Are you surprised at what you see?  Now is the time to see if there are adjustments to your strategies, your advertising, your actions that will help move you forward toward your goals.

This year has flown by for me, and although I dislike excuses, so many things have occurred in my personal life, that I am no where near where I wanted to be by now. Part of the reason I feel like I have been so inefficient, is that I didn’t have a real plan in place yet, so when things came up, it was just too hard to keep going.

The lesson I take home from this is how important it is to make a written plan.  Its okay to make revisions and changes, but it gives you a map to continue to move forward even when you don’t know the exact next step.  As for me, I am now working on an updated game plan for the last quarter of the year.  How are you doing?

If you have any tips on how you plan, leave a comment…I would love to hear what you have to say.

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Sorry for the Long Absence – Slowing Coming Back to Life

For those of you who follow my blog, I want to apologize for the long silence on my part.  I was just getting started re-inventing my blog and presence with a personal tragedy occurred.  One of my reasons for wanting to build my online business is to have more time to take care of family and friends.  A couple of months ago, my youngest grandson Andy who was only 5 months old, a beautiful, happy, healthy little boy, was found not breathing when his babysitter returned to the room.  It has been a devastating thing, not only losing my grandson, but also having to watch my dad and my daughter grieving the loss.  Its an experience I hope no one out there has to go through.

As a result, I have been just going through the motions of life, just the basics.  I miss his little smile every single day.  I am now starting to learn to focus again on building my business.  I hope you will be patient with me as I start over yet again. Its a lesson in life, even when getting knocked down, its important to get back up and start over.

RIP little angel…I miss you Andy.

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Do Promos Like CTP Egg Badge Hunt Work?

I was a little unsure what to expect as far as results from participating in sponsoring an egg badge for the contest at ClickTrackProfit.  As a relative newcomer to the industry with my blog, I knew I wanted to reach more people and build my list, but I was not sure if I could be successful.  After all I had no idea what that would entail.  However, I decided that it was worth a shot and learn as I go.

I have to say I am so impressed so far with my results.  Now I know the real results Continue reading

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Who doesn’t LOVE an Easter Egg Hunt?

    So why am I talking about hunting eggs ?  It’s almost time for the CTP Egg Hunt.  This event takes place starting tonight March 14 at midnight and goes through March 28.   75 Eggsmembers will win cash prizes for finding the most of those elusive eggs or for doing various tasks for a hint or the badge itself.    The folks over at CTP have worked to make it fun for its members to participate in a variety of contests.  Many of these help not only the members, but also the participating sites for promotions by generating fun and a challenge! 

This year I have decided to be a sponsor of one of the egg badges.. its a new step for me as I learn more strategies to grow my business.  As most of you have heard many times, the money is in the list and there are many unique ways to grow your list. For me its about providing valuable information and building relationships with my readers.

If you want to learn about building your list , let me know.  I use RocketResponder as my autoresponder, a must have if you are serious about building your business.  I’ll write more about this in a future post but for now… Happy Hunting!  Egg Hunting that is.. 

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Under Construction !


Hello all… I am making some changes to my site over the next few weeks, so I hope you will be patient while the pages will be changing slightly each day.  I look forward to your comments on the changes!  

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Grow your Membership with One Simple Change

The following is a reprint from a post I recently did for another blog.  I thought my readers would also find it an interesting subject and I would love to get some feedback on it..

As I was thinking about what I wanted to write about, I was thinking about some of the issues or problems people in this community have the most difficulty with.  One of these is the need for new members, new sign-ups.  This is something we as affiliates deal with as we try to grow our networks, as well as the program owners.  There are many things we can do to help us in our quest.  However….

there is one issue that I have come across before, but just recently realized how prevalent the issue is.  As I am working on updating the information on my blog and going through the many, many programs I am a part of, I want to start more actively promoting the programs to add to my income and help in my recommendations.  There is one MISSING piece Continue reading

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