New Year, Fresh Start and Big Goals

images happy new yearI want to wish you all a Happy 2017.  I hope you attain all the things you strive for…the joy, health, happiness, and prosperity.

The New Year traditionally marks a time to review the past year, the failures as well as the success so we may change and improve those things to make achieving our goals easier.  Some things are out of our control, but others are simply a matter of doing the things we need to do that others won’t.  The last few days I have been thinking really hard about the things that are important to me, and what I want over the next 3, 6, 9 months and the year.

My plan for 2017 is to do at least 5 things daily that will take me a step closer to my goals. In addition, I am watching less television and spending at least an hour a day reading to increase my knowledge.  I also am committing to writing here in my blog at least 4 times a week.  Some posts may be short, others longer, but I hope that they will motivate or inspire some of you along the way.  The last thing I have committed to doing is to get moving.  Its really easy in this world of the internet or building a business to feel tied to your computer.  But I have found that when I get moving even for only 10 or 15 minutes it improves my productivity as well as my creativity.

This week I will share with you what my BIG, AUDACIOUS GOAL is. It may seem a stretch but you have to go outside your comfort zone and also tell people about it to help keep you accountable.  I hope my readers will help keep me accountable as well.

What about you?  What things are you going for this year?  Do you have a huge goal you want to shoot for?  Dream big, then build the foundation.  As you do, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.

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