Hi everyone… For those of you who have been following my posts, you will see that I have been missing for a while. I was starting on my goals for 2016 and found out 6 days before the Marketers Cruise was leaving that I was able to get a cabin and attend! It was one of my goals for the year. Boy was I ever excited and it was crazy because since it was so last minute and a winter snow storm hit a lot of the country, I decided to take off in my car and drive to Fort Lauderdale, FL and the port.
My theme for this year is living more healthy, with joy and being more courageous. If you would have told me a few years ago, that I would undertake an adventure and cruise knowing absolutely no one, I would have said you were crazy. BUT…..due to a commitment to personal development and training, I have come a long way.
When I was notified that a cabin would be available if I was willing to share with someone else….I took a chance and said YES!!! And am I so happy that I did. I made a new friend right away being my roommate and before the cruise was over, I felt like I made so many new friends that it was almost like family. So many of these people are so far ahead of me and have very successful businesses of all types. They were also so open and giving…willing to help and share what they do and asking how they could help me. It wasn’t like many networking type events I have attended in the past, where everyone just wants to sell you something, this one was truly one of helping one another where you could and people of all levels were able to contribute.
One of the most important things I can stress for people as they try to grow individually is to attend events like this. Over the next few posts, I will be sharing some of the great information that was shared as well as some great pictures of the islands and ocean along the way. This is just the start of a great year to learn, love and grow as a person, friend and author/coach. I hope you will join me and one day to meet YOU on one of my adventures!
Sunshine n smiles……. Carla
Wow Carla, This has whet my whistle for more. The ship looks pretty awesome and can only wait in anticipation of things to come.
Thanks Les…. much more to come. and the ship was amazing.
That is awesome Carla. I am so happy you had such a great experience. It is amazing what can happen when you take a leap of faith and just GO for it!
I am very glad to see you around again and wish you lots of continued success! 🙂