Category Archives: Income Opportunity

A New Beginning – The World Has Changed

Today is May 1, 2024.  What a different world we are living in today as compared with the last time I created a post.  Not only has the world changed, but I have changed as well.  Over the last few … Continue reading

Posted in entrepreneurship, gig economy, Income Opportunity | Leave a comment

Even the Girl Scouts are Doing it,

I was going through my email last night and came upon an email from my granddaughter and the Girl Scouts regarding their latest fundraiser.  I had already ordered but I suddenly realized that even the Girl Scouts are using autoresponders … Continue reading

Posted in entrepreneurship, goals, Income Opportunity, list building | 7 Comments

The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same

This was the topic, I was asked to write about in my English class way back in 10th grade.  But so often, as I go through lifes experiences, I see the truth in the theory. Last night, I finished reading … Continue reading

Posted in entrepreneurship, goals, Income Opportunity, list building | 5 Comments

What does Einstein have to do with list building?

The great Albert Einstein once said “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” What does this have to do with building my list to grow my business … Continue reading

Posted in entrepreneurship, goals, Income Opportunity, list building | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

Grow your Membership with One Simple Change

The following is a reprint from a post I recently did for another blog.  I thought my readers would also find it an interesting subject and I would love to get some feedback on it.. As I was thinking about … Continue reading

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Setting Sail and Embarking on New Adventures On and Offline

As I started up the gangway and looked at the ship that I would call home for the next 8 days, I was filled with excitement, anticipation and since I didn’t know anyone yet, a little trepidation.  Going through the … Continue reading

Posted in Income Opportunity, personal development, Travel | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Teamwork, Competition, Collecting XP and who the REAL winners were….

Today I want to talk about something that is not always so obvious to those who are new to Traffic Exchanges, and clicking to earn credits to show their products.  Exchanging time and clicks can be very boring, but many … Continue reading

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Holiday Greetings!

Wow, I can’t believe its already December and the holidays are upon us. I want to take this time to wish everyone a wonderful holiday, whatever you celebrate. There are so many things to enjoy and cherish this time of … Continue reading

Posted in Income Opportunity | 4 Comments

Get Ready for the Holidays

As Halloween is this weekend and here in the United States, families are thinking about Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays…or whatever holidays your family may celebrate, there are always things you wish you could have a little extra money to … Continue reading

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Let’s Get Started

So you want to start your own business, but have no idea where to start or what to do next?  Over the next few weeks I will help guide you as you start this amazing and fun adventure.  Now some … Continue reading

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