An Early Christmas Wish

Hello dear readers,

As Christmas draws ever closer, we all seem to get so busy with lists of things to do… baking, decorating, holiday parties, family and also keep up with work.  It makes it easy to overlook the true meaning of Christmas and the Joy that it brings.

This week I took time out of my week to go to Winterfest at Kings Island, an amusement park close to home with my daughters, son in law and grandsons.  I arrived there early and was sitting watching the ice skaters as I noticed a nearby tree seem to have snow falling.  What a wonderful touch they added to make the visit special.  I watched many people of all ages experience the wonder as they walked by and you could see the magic of Christmas affect one and all.

For many, the hustle and bustle means dealing with crowds and people bumping into each other, but this trip and seeing the wonder through the eyes of my twin grandsons enjoying every moment of the night, not only made it a special night, but also brought more joy into my heart than I ever could have imagined.

My wish for each of you this special holiday of Christmas is for you to feel the kind of love and joy that I felt that night each and every day! 

Merry Christmas and Have a Spectacular 2018!! 

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6 Responses to An Early Christmas Wish

  1. Hi, Carla, thank you for your Christmas wish to us all!! I am so glad you had a wonderful time with your family and the Winterfest! I enjoyed reading how beautiful it was and the joy that it brought you and your family. Thank you.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  2. Carla says:

    Thank you so much Barb. It was so special. Merry Christmas

  3. Ken Wolff says:

    Hi Carla, Thank you for the Christmas wishes and sharing of your time with family. I too took some time to be with family yesterday as attended a Christmas ride on the Skunk Train in Willits, California. We followed that by most of the family Ice Skating in Ukiah. May you and your readers have a Merry Christmas and a great 2018 year ahead.

  4. Carla says:

    Merry Christmas Ken to you and your family! Thanks for taking time to read my blog. I am glad you enjoyed my post.

  5. Joe Brochin says:

    What a wonderful experience this must have been. More importantly the memories it will create for years to come. I especially enjoyed reading about your observations of the other people and how they also enjoyed the festivities of the park. May you and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas.

  6. Carla says:

    Thanks Joe, it was so fun just sitting and watching the response of people to the entire experience. Hope you and your family have a safe and Merry Christmas

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